Don’t we all look forward to Holi, the festival of colours? It sure
is fun, playing with all those colours, especially when our family
members join together from distant places and all of them come together
to play.
However, a lot of us are very reluctant to play Holi, even though we
find it to be fun. This is because of the consequences that Holi brings
along with it to our skin and hair. The harsh colours used during Holi
can make our skin dry and flaky and stripped of all oils.
skin care tips before an after holi
While the entire family is enjoying the last thing you want to do is be a
spoilsport and keep worrying about your skin. We have some tips for you
so that you can avoid that from happening.
Holi colours will stick on to your skin for a few days, but with our
tips, we can make sure that only a minimal amount of the colour is left
over on you. It is also a good idea to stick to colours that are natural
or herbal, and definitely not use those permanent colours that have
dark pigments in them. Those have a very high amount of chemical in them
and can strip our faces of oil, cause rashes and even breakouts.
So be sure to use mild colours, preferably herbal ones. Here are some
tips to prepare your skin for Holi.
1. Wear Full Length Clothes:
Try to keep as many areas of your skin covered as you can. This will
prevent the colours from touching too many parts of your skin directly.
We know that in movies people are shown to be wearing short clothes
while playing Holi. This is not right, as it exposes more parts of your
skin to harsh colours. Wear loose fitting, full sleeved clothes,
preferably in a light fabric like cotton.
2. Use Oils:
Before you step out to play holi, make sure that you slather on oil on
all parts of your body, and not just the visible areas of your body.
This will make sure that the oil makes the skin greasy and that none of
the colours seep into your skin. The oil acts like a barrier between
your skin and the harsh colours. Try this tip, and you will see that the
colours on your face and body get removed in no time at all. We suggest
you use a thick oil like coconut or olive oil for this, as these oils
will not dissolve into your skin.
3. Petroleum Jelly:
Use a thick layer of petroleum jelly on your lips to prevent the colours
from penetrating the skin of your lips. Also remember to apply
petroleum jelly on all the hard to reach places, that the oil must have
missed, like the back of your neck, the back of your ears and between
your fingers. Petroleum jelly has a very thick texture and we suggest
you opt for this and not a lip balm while stepping out to go play Holi.
4. Hydration:
It is very important to keep your body hydrated as well, when you are
playing Holi. This tip is often neglected by people as they do not want
to stop playing just to go back to drink water. People tend to forget to
do this. But, remember to hydrate yourself as the colours tend to dry
out your skin anyway, and if you don't remember to hydrate yourself,
your skin will get even drier, making it easier for the colours to stick
to the skin.
5. Sun Protection:
Do not neglect using a sunscreen just because you think your skin will
be covered, with all those colours there. It is very easy for the skin
to get tanned during Holi. Use an SPF product and make sure you use it
before you put on any of the oils, because the oils would also prevent
the sunscreen from getting absorbed by your skin. Use a sunscreen with
SPF 30 or above, for best results.
6. Wash Your Face Before Using Oils And Sunscreen:
Keep your face as clean as possible before you put on the oils or the
sunscreen, as skin that already has dirt and dust on it, will be more
prone to damage than a face that is clean.
7. Use Cleansing Oil Or Balm:
It is best not to use a soap to remove the colours with, because soaps
can be really harsh on the skin that is already suffering due to the
colours. The alkaline in the soap can dry out your skin even more. Use a
cleansing oil or balm as the first step to removing the colours from
your face. Cleansing oils and balms are used for removing heavy duty
makeup, while keeping the skin protected at the same time. These would
ensure that the colours are removed from your face without stripping the
face of oils.
8. Avoid Exfoliation:
We know that it can be frustrating to have colours left over on your
face, but avoid exfoliating or scrubbing your skin too much, as
scrubbing is another thing that can be too harsh for your skin at this
time, because the skin is already sensitive. Keep using cleansing oils
and balms till your skin is free of colours.
9. Moisturise:
Moisturise your skin. We don't mean just skin on your face, but the skin
all over your body needs moisture. Use a face cream that has hyaluronic
acid in it, as this acid absorbs moisture from the environment and the
moisture seeps into your skin. With all the colours making your skin
dry, you need all the moisture you can get. For the skin on your body,
go for a moisturiser containing shea butter or cocoa butter, to provide
your skin with maximum moisture.
10. Give Your Skin A Break:
Avoid using makeup or anything too harsh on your skin for a few days.
Let your skin heal and get its moisture back. Let the colours go away,
and then you can go back to doing all the normal things you do with your
We hope you enjoy your Holi and do not worry about your skin while